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Date : 2001-09-01
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Tad Lincoln Wikipedia ~ Thomas Tad Lincoln III April 4 1853 – July 15 1871 was the fourth and youngest son of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln The nickname Tad was given to him by his father who observed that he had a large head and was as wiggly as a tadpole when he was a baby
Tad Lincolns Father Abraham Lincoln ~ But to Julia Taft he was Tad Lincolns father Invited to the White House to watch over her two brothers who were playmates of the Lincolns sons Julia had an intimate perspective on the First Familys home life which she describes with charm and candor in this book
Tad Lincolns Father Abraham Lincoln eBook ~ Julia provides anecdotes of the Lincoln family in 1860 focusing primarily on her brothers and the two youngest Lincolns Includes many amusing incidents with the boys their animals and their imaginations Lincolns sense of humor comes through as well as his and Mary Lincolns love for Willie and Tad
Tad Lincoln ~ Thomas Lincoln Tad was the fourth and last child of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln He was born on April 4 1853 Tad was named after Thomas Lincoln Abrahams father who had died in 1851 Tads head was unusually large at birth Abraham viewing the contrast between the large head and tiny baby figure thought he resembled a tadpole which was the origin of a nickname that stuck for the rest of Tads life
Customer reviews Tad Lincolns Father ~ Julia Taft was a 16 yo girl sister to Bud and Holly Taft the playmates of Willie and Tad Lincoln She was fortunate to get to know the Lincolns as parents while the boys were playing together She portrays the President as a loving father who liked nothing more than rolling around on the floor with his boys while they climbed all over him
Tad Lincolns Father by Julia Taft Bayne Goodreads ~ Surprisingly Tad Lincolns Father Abraham Lincoln is not mentioned a whole lot in the book Its more of an autobiography of Julia Taft during the years Lincoln was in office flag Like · see review
Robert Todd Lincoln Wikipedia ~ Lincoln was the first son of President Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln He was born in Springfield Illinois and graduated from Harvard College before serving on the staff of Ulysses S Grant as a captain in the Union Army in the closing days of the American Civil War
Family Thomas Lincoln 18531871 Mr Lincolns White House ~ The youngest Lincoln son was named after Abraham Lincoln’s father Thomas but “Tad’s” nickname stemmed from his father’s belief that he resembled a tadpole at birth He was rambunctious child who was a favorite of his father particularly after the death of his bosom brother Willie
Thomas Lincoln Wikipedia ~ Thomas Lincoln was an American farmer carpenter and father of the 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln Unlike some of his ancestors Lincoln could not write but he was a wellrespected community and church member known for his honesty Lincoln struggled to make a successful living for his family and met challenges of Kentucky real estate border disputes the early death of his first wife and the integration of his second wifes family into his own family before making his fi
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